There are many myths about the psychic process,
even among psychics. Any psychic who tries to explain this process is limited by their vocabulary, education, quite frankly
IQ, and these same factors in the people they are trying to communicate with. The process is simple, the explanation of it
is not.
Let me first address the scientific community. Being psychic is not
something you can measure on demand. You can however follow the predictions of a psychic and determine their percentage of
accuracy. I encourage all scientists interested in the paranormal to do this. I would also encourage you to look at psychics
who are not charging any money (this statement is subject to debate depending on circumstance and the amount of money being
charged), who do not have “predictions for 2005" in their profiles, who are not dependent (note the word dependent)
on physical props (barring psychics who can see through touch) and who do not give “psychic readings to the stars.”
There, we have just eliminated 90% of your database. What will be left over are the psychics who do not make daily predictions.
(Earth Sensisitves are excluded and might make daily predictions)Psychic predictions can be months apart so you will
have to be patient. If you are a scientist who is of the “I want results NOW genre,” studying the reality of psychics
is not your field, and you had better change your area of intrigue.
For everyone in general, discovering real psychics can be a life-altering
experience. There are various types of psychics. They all have different abilities. Is this genetic? Yes. I have no intention
of backing up that statement as if people really want to know they can do the homework themselves. Many people would argue
that we all have the capability to be psychic. I used to be of that opinion myself. After 40 years I have come to the conclusion
that most people are not capable of the abstract thinking capabilities that are called for in order to complete a psychic
vision or even recognize one if they had it. There are however such incidences as the maternal instinct/intuition that manifest
in the majority of the populace.
Broken down, being psychic is about 90% observation, 7% instinct/intuition,
and 3% accessing quantum realities/timelines which can only be done by people who have very high abstract thinking capabilities,
hence, why most psychics are artists of some sort.
My Personal Abilities
I don’t believe in being “psychic” (hence the quotation
marks) but it is a term I use simply because that is the term that most people associate with this occurrence. In reality
I am simply very observant to most things both seen and unseen. You will often notice that I give credit to “the ancestors.”
For me, that is an all-inclusive remark. It includes everything from race memory to my belief that all of time is now and
we are all one spirit. When I give thanks to the ancestors, it serves to keep this singular identity amongst the infinite
identities, humble. When I give thanks to the ancestors, I not only thank those blood related beings in my past, but all of
life that has ever and will ever exist including all of YOU in the now. You will also notice that if help comes from an identity
in the now, that I try to give credit where credit is due whenever it is possible. I do not lose anything by giving this credit
as you are all a part of me, as I am a part of you.
My predictions come through dreams, visions, occasional bouts
of intense synchronicity, and most often through PAIN. That is the "Earth Sensitive" aspect.
1. Dreams : There is a difference between prophetic dreams and normal
dreams. When you have had this ability all of your life, you learn to differentiate the various feels of the dreams. Prophetic
dreams will be so vivid that you often are disoriented upon waking into this reality. The dream will stand out and there will
be a certain feeling of anxiety over researching and/or telling other people. Almost a compulsion really. In my case I will
very often wake up talking to my mate about the dream before I have become completely conscious.
2. Visions : Visions happen when you are awake. Sometimes they happen
out of the blue, but for me they tend to happen from triggers stemming from our basic 5 senses, these being touch, taste,
smell, visual, and auditory. I have had visions that have been spawned by looking at maps, photos, television, movies, patterns
in random abstracts (such as wood grain, marbled textures, frost on a window etc. ). Visions from touch that will incur thoughts
of certain images and colors. Smell brings intense memories, often photographic, of the past. Auditory can be anything from
the wind in the trees to music of any kind. Taste...well I have not yet had a vision due to taste but I won’t rule it
out. LOL
What all of these triggers do is to cast me into an altered state of
daydreaming where my physical surroundings become abstract and the daydream becomes center focus. The daydream is usually
represented by some kind of symbolism that leads me into a pattern deciphering train of thought toward the daydream itself.
Again, these are not the same as ordinary daydreams opposed to the highly symbolic yet working gestures of the way my psyche
interprets what it is seeing in visions.
3. Intense synchronicity : All of us experience synchronicity. These
are occurrences that go beyond what can logically be deduced as “co-incidence.” There is usually a feeling of
exhilaration that accompanies a synchronicity. This feeling, I believe, is there as an instinctual way of discerning
between coincidence and a synchronicity which can have meaning to one’s conscious mind when brought forth form the sub-conscious.
Intense synchronicity is when these happenings continue throughout a prolonged length of time, and can include other people
in your immediate network who are having similar sycnchronistic experiences.
Synchronicity is a tricky thing to explain because this one goes into
the realm of the 3% accessing quantum signatures and/or time lines. (Dreams and Visions can do this as well, but when dealing
with synchronicity it is a constant. ) Part of the synchronistic process comes from outside of you, so it must be attributed
to the whole of the ALL. You are traveling without any noticeable effect into quantum realities where a certain stimuli pertaining
to any of the 5 senses will manifest. When you encounter intense synchronicity, it is accompanied by a much stronger feeling
of exhilaration and compulsion to explore it’s meaning. Synchronicities will always follow a general theme although
you may not recognize the real binding thread of the theme until a later date.
4. PAIN. Earth sensitives will often receive their information through pain. Certain parts of their bodies will
inidcate one kind of event or another. it takes years to catalogue these and I am still in the process. This seems to be the
exception to the genetic rule... just about everyone I think can hone these abilities to a certain extent if they recognise
them for what they are. Ever run to the doctor quite sure that something was wrong with you and they can't find anything ?
That's your first clue. Start checking the quake/volcano maps. Look at what the weather is doing. Very simple really. Everyone
with artthritis can tell you when low pressure system is coming in. It works pretty much the same way in everyone, most
just don't notice. Sinus headache and you can't find a trigger ? Look at the maps. Ears ringing ? Keep an eye on the maps.
Unfortuantely I seem to be ultra sensitive. I pick up on some major events and it is indeed major pain. The kind that you
curl you up onto the floor in a ball sobbing.
Why does the earth communicate through pain ? Not a clue. I would suspect to get out attention. LOL Unless
Johnny Depp walked up to me and said "There is going to be an earthquake" I doubt if I'd pay attention to much else other
than pain. In reality, I suspect it has something to do with water as the basic composition of our bodies as well as the minerals
inside of us.
Many will say that spirituality is a key factor in being “psychic”
but as I said in the beginning of this article by breaking down the psychic process into percentages, it is not. If you see
a deceased relative who speaks to you and delivers a message, that is an entirely different ball game and it falls into the
category of the “paranormal” which is also a word I do not acknowledge with any intent other than to convey a
message in the language that most people have become familiar with. My take on the “paranormal” will be discussed
in a different article.
In closing, I would like to summarize that “psychics” do
NOT EXIST. What does exist are a combination of strong abilities of observation, communication with the sub-conscious mind,
and a highly developed abstract thinking process coupled with strong abilities in logic that tie these factors together. There
is nothing magical nor mystical about this process, although there is a very good reason for purporting the mystical nature
of these abilities in the past, but that is another story.