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The Illusion of Re-Incarnation

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Letter John Seach
The Illusion of Re-Incarnation
The Psychic Process

The Illusion of Re-Incarnation"
by Krystal Gale Potter

Published in Alternate Perceptions magazine
Issue 34, Spring 1996

Please note that this article is written from a NON-LINEAR perspective. In accordance with linear time as perceived in the third dimension, reincarnation could be a fact. Try to view this article with a bit of non-Euclidian logic.

As most thinking individuals, I've often pondered the nature of the spirit and what happens to us after death. I've studied religion to science, never finding a completely satisfactory answer to my questions. By the age of twenty four, I had pretty much settled into the acceptance of reincarnation. It seemed to make the most sense at the time, but still there were loopholes in the theory that ate away at my brain night after night.

Unfortunately, I was caught in the eye of the "New Age" storm and my questions were regarded as blasphemous to the self-proclaimed new age scholars. They reacted as fearfully to my questions as the mainstream Christians had reacted to them. Their own fearful reaction should have been enough to cue them to thought, but I guess dogma is dogma regardless of the form.

Much of the argument for reincarnation lay in past life regressions, be they psychically or hypnotically induced. Something I've noticed, much to the chagrin of pro reincarnationists, is that after four to five years, if the same subject is regressed again, entirely different sets of past lives surface. Now this could still be feasible were it not for the frequent occurrence of overlapping time periods to the first regression! Then too there are the myriad of cases world-wide of people claiming to be the same personality (i.e., Abe Lincoln, Marie Antoinette, etc...).

Another point of concern were several cases where the supposed past life could actually be historically proven with the exception of minute details. Say a person remembers being Sam St.Clair, who died as a private in the Yankee forces. He served under General Hanes. Once verified, yes, Sam St.Clair did exist and fought for the Yankees in the Civil War, but died as a lieutenant and served under General Pike. Digging further a General Hanes did exist, but he died before St.Clair enlisted. Obviously the facts obtained under hypnosis defy coincidence, but why the scenario discrepancies ?

Now as the eternal optimist (I can believe all kinds of things until disproven) and assuming that these people are not psychologically unbalanced, lying or cheating, I embarked on a mental/spiritual quest to solve these quirks in the reincarnistic mechanism.

Solved or not, I would like to share my spiritual theory that I call "The Illusion of Reincarnation". It's nothing new, only an alternative perception to an ages old idea.

I must admit, even in lieu of doom to my credibility, that my theory was spawned by a lack of sleep over forty-eight hours thanks to my first daughter who was at the time, a colicky newborn. After hallucinating that the coffee table had just strolled across the room, I was impressed that this theory still made remarkable sense after a full night's sleep.

Kicked back in the la-z-boy, which was more duct tape than chair, and rocking my daughter in the cradle beside me to the tunes of MTV, my mind suddenly went blank. Quite a feat for a woman who had often wished God had installed a shut-off switch for her brain.

It seemed as if I were floating in a void. The only thing I remember being aware of was my existence. I felt, well, non-local. I was inside my head and out in the universe simultaneously.

A light began to form. It took the shape of a circle with a point in the center and a line spanning the diameter. The dot in the middle did not remain stationary. It traveled to any point on the diameter or perimeter, sometimes through motion and other times instantaneously. My "vision" for lack of a better word, then changed. I was watching a man I soon identified as Michelangelo- then DaVinci, then Michelangelo. The shift in scenario occurred several times, intermittently going back to the original circle symbol, whose dot was fluxing between two particular points.

At first, I was very perplexed as to what this odd vision could possibly mean. But then a very simple observation came to light. Michelangelo corresponded to one point on the circle. DaVinci to another. But it was the SAME DOT even though it was shifting position! Also, both points M and D were a part of ONE symbol! At this realization I was catapulted back into conscious awareness.

This was only the first of several mind trips that allowed me to form a theory of expansion and hope that I might at last, perhaps, be comfortable with. What exactly triggered me into these altered states of awareness I cannot guess. I am not into yoga or meditation. Two of these visions came during periods of prolonged sleep deprivation, yet the many others did not. I do not use drugs with the exception of my smoking habit. The ONLY common denominator to these visions was prayer. I would ask God/Great Spirit to allow me the answers to the questions in my mind.

There is only ONE spirit. We are all thought forms in the mind of the one spirit. We are only one spirit, the same spirit which is known as God.

Every thought form has it's own perception. This could be called a Quasi-Existential Plane (QEP) or frequency. Each thought form has the ability to change it's QEP through changing it's perception. This can be as simple as deciding to enjoy a thunderstorm as opposed to fearing it.

Every QEP contains it's own set of patterns that will imprint themselves into the immediate mind of the individual thought form. These patterns can manifest as a set of social contacts, synchronicities, attractions, repulsions, and various sensory and emotional experiences, all geared to promote growth in the individual.

Every QEP carries the possibilities of progression, regression, and stasis. Usually, an individual will flux between two or three QEP's in a learning process between progression and regression. When one, lower QEP is finally eliminated in the individual's growth pattern, a new and higher QEP will be realized. What is called "evil" is actually stasis, or the refusal to grow.

Expansion and contraction are universal laws. Stasis is a cancer in the universal mind. Stasis leads to all our social ills. Progression and regression are mutually cognizant. Within one, resides the other. Each one is a frame of comparative reference.

It is general social stasis that causes natural and unnatural disasters. This is the universal antibody chain that destroys the cancer of stasis. It is personal disaster that destroys stasis in the individual.

Every QEP is a universe unto itself. Changes in QEP are so subtle that they are not, for the most part, perceivable in a physical sense. Even though we transcend space/time with every leap in perception, we remain blatantly unaware of the grand nature of our accomplishment! The universal application of this knowledge is the next stage in the evolution of man.

Reincarnation has been the predominant philosophy of our planet in flux with the single life philosophy of the Christians. These ideas have served their purpose and their time has passed in the universe.

Many people have communicated the idea of "oneness", and yet few seem to grasp how literal the idea is.

"God created man in his own IMAGE". Trace the origin of the word "image" and you will find it to mean "idea". Roget's thesaurus parallels "image" with "archetype". "Image" is the root of IMAGINATION!

Think of science and the "Big Bang" that created the universe. This is not unlike the electro-chemical process that occurs in the human brain when one has an idea.

We are thought forms in the mind of God. There is only ONE spirit (God's spirit) which flows through each one of us. We retain separate identities due to perception, which can be likened to the concept of free will. Individual perception becomes tainted when we close our minds to perceptions unlike our own.

In the beginning, man communicated telepathically by identifying with other perceptions, or accessing other QEP's. Differences were seen as strengths.

Man then stepped into a period of regression. Because of various circumstances, greed entered into their consciousness. The people shut their minds to others and would only communicate with those of like perception. Community and individual ego developed. People separated from each other. They separated into continents, countries, cities, social classes, and tribes. They lost their ability to transcend perception/frequency and because they could not communicate, suspicions and tensions rose between the various communities. The only trace of the original language left were the Shaman born, the maternal instinct, and an occasional link between siblings and friends. We forgot that we are all ONE spirit.

As the world population grew, these communities could not avoid each other. They had to learn to interact. They had forgotten their true language, so they developed the spoken and written languages that could be learned by others.

Now we have broken ourselves to the point of even family. Divorce and broken homes are usually due to a lack of communication. We do not strive to comprehend another's perception, but spend our energy devising ways to elude intrusion into our own perceptions. We have become stagnant in our regression.

We are about to enter a new phase which will catapult us into a state of progression. The symbols of this phase are all around us. We can now communicate with anyone anywhere through phones, computers, and satellites. These devices are merely tools symbolizing the leap we are about to make in consciousness. These tools will soon be unnecessary as we realize our lost language.

The long regression has taught us much. It will imprint into every QEP the bitter taste of war, prejudice, separation and loneliness. It has also taught us the essence of physical nature so that we can better appreciate the complexities of balance, and we will no longer take them for granted.

In the very near future, each of us will perceive several changes of dramatic proportion. These changes will be natural, climatic, political, religious and scientific. The world will seem a kaleidoscope of unpredictable change. These are all signs of a great leap in consciousness.

One of the greatest leaps in consciousness will be concerning the concept of "time". Time itself is a perception of the physical world. Physicists say that the fourth dimension IS time. I believe that TIME is RELATIVE to the dimension in which you reside.

We are all in God's thoughts and God is an infinite number of thought channels, just as the concept of pi relates to my initial circle symbol with it's infinite trail of numbers.

When we speak of past life regression, what we are actually doing is accessing those perceptions closest to our own. The failure in hypnosis to catch this is due to the use of the words such as "past", "regress", "back", etc. Those perceptions are NOW, that is why they are so vivid and instigate such baffling psychological and physiological responses. It is quite possible to progress people into the future in which once again they will access those perceptions closest to their own. Also, on a sobering note, it is possible to hypnotically induce alternate perceptions within the present. This is basically what our psychics, shaman, mothers, etc., do - unaware. They access other perceptions or QEP's.

All of time is NOW. You were not physically another person in another time. You are perceptually akin to other people we perceive as being in another time! This explains many anomalies in the reincarnistic belief.

I personally know three people who under hypnosis claimed to be Abe Lincoln. All three of them could not have physically been Abe Lincoln. However, all three of them could be very like in perception to him, thus accessing his QEP, or momentarily becoming Lincoln!

A final note. According to the New Physics, every possibility that can occur, DOES occur. We live in a multiverse of realities and/or illusions that defy explanation by three dimensional perceptual abilities. So for every decision we make, in an alternate plane of existence our doppelganger takes the decision we could have made. Trying to follow the quantum effects of this would be as futile as devoting one's life to solving pi.

In hypnotic regression, the possibility of accessing other QEP's as well as other quantum signatures, I believe, is a proven reality. This accounts for the scenario discrepancies in historically traceable accounts.

Reincarnation is no more than an illusion of perception.

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