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About Me


To write a brief bio on myself has been a profound experience in avoidance. First I must warn you that forty years of life in societal dictates and innumerable bizarre experiences that most would deem "paranormal" has left me a tad on the hermetic side. This is how Michael, the designer of my old site, sums me up.

"You seem to be a tad nutty, a bit irreverent, and perhaps a smidge sarcastic."

This assessment is extremely accurate. He says he was kidding... but I know better ! ;o)

I will not stoop to the norm of my communicative idiosyncrasies, however I will be quite candid, as is my wont. I understand that this may cause some to take me less seriously than others who venture into the realm of prophecy. I do not intend to be anyone or anything I am not. I think it is important to witness the true personality of the psychic/seer/prophet (insert synonym of your choice here ).

I was born June 13, 1964. I don’t remember being born however I do remember being taken to my mother. I have one on those memories that goes back to infancy. Tell me your name though and I will forget it as soon as it has been uttered.

My mother was Native American from the Miami (me-ah-me) tribe of Indiana. My father, was predominantly German and English. My grandmother, Clella "Polly" Potter was what people would call a "spiritual master". She preferred the term "elder sister". She was psychic.. but not "a psychic". Her teachings helped me to survive the tempest that has been my life. I am forever in her debt.

My "psychic" abilities were evident by the time I could walk. My father used to take me to the horse racing tracks. He never bet, but he loved to see me pick the winners. I don’t know if I can still do that, have not tried since I was a little girl. I do not think that I can though, at present anyway. As a child I was bright and full of beauty/harmony. I am somewhat jaded now and this does affect my abilities in the small scale. The larger visions always get through, even when I don’t want them.

I worked many years as a chef. I tried to make it through college but as a single parent that was impossible. I became disabled in December of 1990 thanks to an improperly administered Rubella vaccination. The ancestors told me not to take the shot. I argued with the nurse until she threatened me with taking me off the WIC program which I needed for my new infant daughter. I was not making enough money to afford baby formula and could not breast feed for more than three days as I had to work. I caved. Instead of having faith that the ancestors would provide, and listening to their warning... I became chronically ill for the rest of my life, always in great amounts of pain. Being allergic to all pain killers, I am treated with anti-spaz meds & the like. I no longer question my visions of warning.

Now, between this time and the next paragraph, I met a most incredible man who became my mentor. His name was Robert J. Titus, Shaman of the WhiteFeather. I will speak about him in the essays section, but will say here that he is the one who introduced me to the need for Spiritual Advisors/activists in the penal systems. He set me up...LOL quite literally with the work.

As I could no longer work after 1993, I became a Spiritual Advisor/Activist for Native American inmates all over the country under the name of "Krystal WhiteCrow". I did this work for free and often worked 12 hour days. It was something I could do largely from my home, but did require a bit of travel from time to time. It was gut wrenching work. A complete mental and emotional drain. It was also rewarding with the people whom I’ve been honored to meet, the laws that we somehow managed to change, the lives that were helped. There will be more on this part of my life in the essays section soon.

Trying to keep this as short as possible I will jump to 2003. I had the most profound experience of my life in the spring of that year. It is not something I will relate here, this will also be in essays if I can find the words. It changed my view on reality for the rest of my life. It is not "The Illusion of Re-Incarnation" article that you will find first. This will take some time and carefully thought wording. To try and keep myself grounded to the reality that most of you perceive, I began a new life on the internet through a makeshift personal website, a message board of my own...and always the Unknown Country board. The people there did not judge me and I could spout as much of the strange and unusual as my fingers could type. (They are lucky I am disabled ! LMAO ) During the course of my life I have received many dreams and visions. I know this is an incredulous claim...but to date they have been about 90% accurate ALTHOUGH my interpretations are not always accurate. I recently developed quite the sense of urgency. My fiancé helped me to step out of the closet and go public with the first prediction. I would have anyway, but his support was invaluable in my timing.

I am often brusque with my predictions. I have become that way over time from too many people NOT listening and ending up in various unsavory ways and I could do nothing to help them. After awhile, you develop an attitude. A psychological protective defense. With this site, I am now able to warn people of impending events and not have to know the outcome. I am aware of how callous that sounds, but when you are psychic and have had people laugh at you, label you as "crazy"...and then you have to watch them be hurt and/or die because they did not listen to your visions, kinda sucks ya know ? Then the families come and apologize and tell you how much they wish they had cry with them...and spend a lifetime wondering how you could have said it differently so that maybe they would have listened.

Recently, what I call the "Earth pains" have become much worse. I can live with the Fibro/Nerve damage/other syndromes...or I can live with the eartth pains. I can't live with both. This is the reason for the website and the donation page. I need your help.

Now, I DO want you all to know that I value EVERY ONE OF YOU and I love you all as you are all a part of me and this beautiful opportunity we have on this planet to learn and grow. That is why I am here. My essays will not always be so undertoned as this one. The key to this life is to RECOGNIZE BEAUTY in ALL.  The key to spiritual evolution is the recognition of PARADOX as a definitive. Peace and Blessings,


For More  Proof of my abilities visit :

The Prediction Site Thread

Go to the "Superstorm" section, then scroll down to "The Prediction Site Thread" to see my real time predictions !

My Philosophy

Until humanity recognizes paradox as a definitive, the world shall know neither balance nor truth.

pencil & ink by Krystal Potter WhiteCrow

"Avenged" is just what it says it is. My Native name translates to "White Crow". Many people still call me "WhiteCrow" or "Crow". I've always had a dual nature, could not accept the dogmatic values of "good" and "evil" "Light" and "dark" etc... I always saw things as "relative".
My father was an extremely positive person, my mother was an extremely negative person. I guess I spawned in the center of that genetic mess. LOL By being in the center...I learned that things most perceive as "negative" had beneficial qualities that produced a needed effect. Same way with "positive" often producing an unbeneficial effect. I started playing with scenarios in my mind. I'd pick one scenario and place several people in the picture and think of all the ways these people might think of the scenario. Everytime, it comes up relative to perception and no "good" or "evil' truly exists. Everything is paradoxical in nature..but we have been programmed from birth with the perception of opposing values. Genesis says they ate from the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Then everything went to crap. Seems to me...if we barfed up that fruit..we can get back to the garden in our spirits. Break the cycle and evolve. it's the only way.
SO..the painting is me...both black and white, positive and negative, simultaneously destroying the fruit that divides us.