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  I will post what I call "synopsis predictions" in this area as well as whatever I feel like writing at the time. Enjoy !


November 21, 2006
  I have to do this quickly, my comp is bugging out. here is the CME that occurred today on the other side of the Sun. I'm hoping that sunspot dissipates asa it's turning toward us fast. That looks like an X class flare to me ! Oh the thing that looks like it's flying in the background is Jupiter.

photo by

Nov 18, 2006
My friend Dhyan called my attention to this unusual pattern with the aftershocks on the Kuril quake.


  The doughnut shaped pattern is a bit unusual. This is a clip from my posts.
"I cross referenced and..take your pick. It's a big subduction zone,
very active WITH submarine volcanoes in the area. Could be an existing
cauldera, or perhaps same thing as Sumatra..the plate opened up to
form a new volcano at that spot. I've got an inverted ocean map..topo
of the the ocean floor."

November 16, 2006
  Well..yikes. M8 in the Kuril Islands plus aftershocks that are ongoing ranging into the M6's. It's what I call a "repeater quake". Here's a pic.


Ordinarily with quakes, I simply hear earth noise. If they are quakes spawned from magma movement I will get volcanic side symptoms such as sinus headache, leg cramps, abdominal bloating, acid reflux etc... this time, I seem to have gotten waylaid by a completely new set of symptoms. I am unsure why. I don't know what is different about this quake. The symptoms were so off kilter from the norm.. I was unsure what I was feeling and they were so severe I had to wonder if it was'nt an actual physical problem. I almost called an ambulance. Glad I did'nt.
  I posted this on  . It's kind of a synopsis of what I went through.
"8 in japan. I have a new symptom. It's good to know. I did'nt write it in detail here. I sent this to Larry Park.

""I just came on real quick because I had the weirdest feeling. I got really weak all of a sudden...can feel my heart beating, lightheaded, like every bit of strength has been zapped out of me. It's kinda scary really. Then a couple minutes after that "new sound 1" started. It's kind of sitting differently than normal. I don't know how to guess the magnitude on this..or if it even indicates a magnitude. If it's just me..I need to see a doctor. Now. But it's probably earth related." kinda feels like I'm not getting enough blood flow to the brain. Limbs are limp like wet paper. Peace, K"

Then I was feeling kinda dumb because nothing had happened but I added an impression and sent it on to him yesterday.

"I'm not sure what that was. When I laid down I kept getting this image of..suction. water/suction. I'm still feeling a bit of it but it's gone for the more part. This one will be a mystery. K"

Many times symptoms will leave hours before the event happens, but I've never had this symptom before. I wrote this in a pm to Hale yesterday

"I think I'm bleeding into my head. Ok, well it just feels that way. ;o) The ancestors are pulling some weird sh** with me, I have a hunch I'll be sleeping a lot over the next day or so. Peace, K"

and later

"What's messed up is it REALLY does feel that way. When it first started last night my vision went dim, I almost passed out, felt like I had no blood pressure. The part of my head that feels like it's bleeding is one of the spots I bonked in the last concussion. My lungs felt very deflated and strange too."
  Also, this is part of a letter I wrote to Mr. Park of 
"Yes..I am pretty sure that was it. I had started to feel better for a time but laid down and was gripped with terrible chest pain. I could'nt move for almost an hour. Went back to sleep when it was over...when I got up, a friend of mine had emailed me about the quake. I'm a lot better now of course...but I still have residual..weird..cold electric head pain "
Actually, I have been waylaid by unusual symptoms when Merapi blew it's top earlier this year in Java. I had to have somebody watch me sleep because I was unable to wake up and would stop breathing..what's worse..I was lucid. I was awake in my mind, but asleep in my body and gasping for air that my body refused to inhale. That was just part of it..pain...lots of pain with that one.
  So that's what I've been going through. The sensitives who charge do their best to be polite and maintain their poise. I don't charge, and although donations would surely help me to maintain my health and comfort levels (comfort to me is having fuel for the furnace at this point) I do not feel obligated not to say "WHY AM I LIKE THIS ?????? WHY DON'T DOCTORS GET THEIR HEADS OUT OF THEIR ASSES AND ACKNOWLEDGE THIS AND HELP THE FEW PEOPLE LIKE ME THAT ARE OUT THERE ??????? I'M TIRED OF LIVING THIS WAY !!!!!!!!
                       END RANT

So much time has passed. My apologies.
 If you recall, back in March, I began to pick up on a new sound. On the Prediction Site Thread at Unknown Country, I have used it to track and predict several events now. I hit what I thought was an instinctive slump. I kept feeling new land forming but consistently, nothing would happen. My predictions can only be proven to the extent science has monitoring devices in place to detect earth changes. Unfortunately, much of the planet is not monitored.
  As it turns out, Tonga just gave birth to a new island. Well, hardly "just" as it's probably been forming since last May when Tonga had the big 7.9 quake.  I reacted physically to that one like I did to the 9 Indonesian quake that also opened up a fissure and is forming an island, although it has not yet breached the surface. When I browsed the Volcano alive site, in John Seach's opinion, the submarine volcano began erupting in August. He said August 9 through 11 there were eywitness reports of a huge plume of smoke and loud rumblings. Out of curiosity, I went back to my posts on Unknown Country in the archives.
On August 9th I wrote
"just real quick..about an hour ago I began to feel like horses dung. A couple of hours before that i was bouncing off the walls. Now my sinuses are plugged and I feel nautious. I can't peg this as fibro, I've looked at the maps, mayon is calming from what I can see both yellowstone and st. helen's have had increased quakes today.. it's probably that."
Now that I know a large submarine volcano was forming an island, I feel better about posting the symptoms. Actually I'd been having trouble for a couple of weeks before that. I think I might drop John a line and ask him to clarify the eruption timelines.
  I predicted that submarine volcanism would is. Volcanism all over the planet has increased. You won't hear about it from your local or national news unless it hits a populated area with tourism. It's much better to blame greenhouse gasses on man's emissions instead of causing panic about a planetary cycle over which we have no control. Personally, I think panic is more fun to watch. Kidding.. but the thing is, if people are not informed, they will not leave volcanic and coastal areas as they need to.
  Call me a conspiracy theorist, everyone does... but why would'nt the global govs want you to know what is really happening ? How about this ? To keep you where you are to preserve food resources for those that already reside in safer areas. The last thing they want is the entire western half of the U.S. living on the east coast. With pressure rising in the mantle, volcanism increasing, plates opening up creating more volcanoes, would'nt that significantly increase the risk of one..or two supervolcanoes erupting ? Cripe, the U.S. has 3 of the damn things and two are still very active. Yellowstone and Long Valley.
  If just ONE supervolcano blows anywhere in the world, the planet will be submerged into a nuclear winter for perhaps up to 10 years. Life that was unfortunate enough to be within 1200 miles of the volcano..will be dead, either from the initial pyroclastic event, or suffocating on ash.
  We know this from animal remains as far as Nebraska dying from the last expulsion of Yellowstone. Toba..which is incidently located in Sumatra where all the quakes have been happening since the intitial 9 richter that caused the tsunami of 2004, took out most of the population of the planet last time it erupted about 74,000 years ago. The human genepool was reduced to about 11,000 on the whole planet. Yes.. ONE supervolcano can do this. So why not imagine TWO ? There have been an unprecidneted number of quakes in Sumatra over the past two years. Quakes of 4 and above are behaving very much like micro to 3 quakes do before a normal sized volcano erupts. I'm sorry..but that is enough to get MY attention ! Proportionately, under a supervolcano like Toba...yes I am concerned. Then in the northern hemisphere, we have significant rise in the Norris basin of Yellowstone. Oh..don't worry about it, they will tell you. Well, awhile back, I predicted that you can look to the behaviour of Hawaii to guage various geological events around the globe. Recently, there was 6.3 and a 5.9 on Hawaii with so many aftershocks I lost count. What did the media NOT tell you ? At the same time as the Hawaiian quakes, Yellowstone experienced an "earthquake swarm". Over 70 quakes hit Yellowstone the same time Hawaii was quaking.
  If that isn't enough, a few other sensitives and I began having dreams about Yellowstone recently. Also, perhaps Mt. Ranier in WA. I think when Ranier blows, it's going to be a lot larger than volcanologists expect. Ranier is not a supervolcano. Not even close. But it will be enough to dust a few of states in ash I think. Might burry Washington state. It's much larger than St. Helen's.
  I've also been seeing something in conjunction volcanic events to gasses rising from the earth and being ignited. I still don't understand this completely.
  Please prepare. Collect enough seeds to get you through 4 failed crops to the 5th crop. If you live by a volcano...MOVE. If you live on the coast ...MOVE. I, myself will be moving shortly. Too close to Yellowstone for my taste here in ND. Will there be disasters in the east ? Yes. But, I'd rather shake and swim than suffocate and burn. Just my preference.

  This is a future prediction synopsis that I wrote to a friend of mine. Some things have been edited or removed completely for privacy purposes. The regular newsletter will resume in Mid June. I thank you for your patience while I am trying to find a way to cope with the earth noise/scalar noise/pain.
  In the time that has elapsed since the writing of this letter, I sought help from Larry Park, a man who designs seismic equipment and has worked with other Earth Sensitives.  In my communication with him, I chronicled the "new sound" which I am quite sure is man made. I told him which quakes were related to the new sound and the direction the sound moved. His equipment confirmed me and he said I was correct. So, I guess if anything can certify an Earth Sensitive, this would be it. After my vacation I will be working with Mr. Park to hone my symptoms and correlate data.
  I chose a great time for my respite no ? LOL Merapi blows and several other volcanoes become active and/or erupt, huge quakes in the oceans, flooding of epic proportion in the eastern U.S. Can't help it. I need a break. How many of you remember my prediction from about a year ago where I said volcanoes all over the planet would begin to blow almost simultaneously ? It's happening folks, and unfortunately it will continue. Krystal
Hey ****** ! It was so weird..EVERYTHING in my life forced me out of Utah on a dime ! I had a dream years ago that I was in a place filled with toxic waste. In the dream I was pregnant (means during volcanic activity). A guard grabbed me and told me "You should not be here." I never knew exactly where the place was until I moved there. It was Utah. I like North Dakota..but..I dislike that some of the people here are so quick to judge what they don't know. Being ill and being a recluse leads them to wonder. I'm trying to get the money to move...want to go back to Michigan (hence the newsletter), but don't know if I will make it or not. The ancestors put me wherever they put me. I can't complain too much at least geologically. We seem to be missing all the bad storms, not a quake prone area. Drought could be a problem...Yellowstone is still too close for my comfort LOL. It was spring all winter here. We barely had any snow at all and the temps did'nt get below freezing but for a couple of weeks. Winter was actually in October. One blizzard. At the moment, ND is a pretty safe spot. (note the moment..haha )
   I kind of messed up an interpretation of a prediction when I first started going public. I called a premature birth, volcano in the US..which was St. Helen's and it was to be followed by a major earth birthing event. At the time, I thought it was a supervolcano or something. Then I had the tsunami vision which happened about 2 weeks later ( I good at remembering time ) Well, I think the volcano dream and the tsunami were the same event now. That plate down in indonesia opened up as is forming a HUGE underwater volcano. They do expect it to breach the surface eventually and it's growing quite quickly. So I hit that..I just did'nt know it until like..yesterday .
  As for the planet re-arranging itself, I can say with certainty that South America is going to split from Mexico. SA will then rotate toward the east ( the upper portion)
  Right now the pressure in the mantle is making the earth's crust thin. The plates will move with larger and larger jolts. Submarine volcanoes will be born and surface volcanoes will all begin (and are now) to erupt almost simultaneously. This is going to cause some serious problems as the ocean keeps heating and the atmosphere will get cooler eventually from all the volcanic emissions. Basically hurricanes on land will become the norm. There will also be periods of "stall" which will produce terrible drought in some areas. Also, tremendous amount of water displacement.
  The earth's magnetic field...ok well that's going to add to all of this in a major way.  I had a vision of the magnetic field. It will start to develop cracks (this has already begun, it started a couple of weeks after I made the prediction) The cracks allow large amounts of solar radiation into our atmosphere... the cracks will eventually become triangular holes and the magnetic field will go nuts, fluxing at any point on the globe. this effects the cooling aspect from the volcanic emissions is anybody's guess. It might let the emissions out, but scorch the earth in the process. I did see a period during all of this where the planet's temperature comes to a point where it is almost a unified season all over the globe. I'm not sure how that's possible but I know I'm right.
  Frankly, once we are done, I'm not sure there will be any survivors. If this had happened 100 years ago..yes. There would be. With all of the toxic waste and nuclear weapons/plants.... ch..yah right. I think we may have killed our own species on that note. (and about every other species on the planet as well) It's possible though. I did have a future dream where there were many species developing on the planet. My daughter had a similar dream and one was humanoid. Not terribly intelligent, more amphibious than we are, but humanoid. The thing is, when we come to this point in the planet's history, future visions travel quantum signatures so the end result could be anything. But the end result of the physicality of the planet is not the point. For us, the point is evolution.
  I need to reach that vibe somehow. I need to crawl out of the quagmire. Being an earth sensitive..I keeping sinking into the depths. The new tone I am hearing...oh man. Well..I think it's man made. I think it's scalar tech. It moves with a purpose, not random. So factor in MAN (does this surprize you ?) but it's not about "global warming" or "man's emissions". Man is using technology in some way to cause many of these quakes. I believe the motive is population control but I would like to be wrong on that one. Anyway, the sound..., sometimes it gets so intense ALL I can think about is killing myself. Not very spiritual of me huh ? Seriously, that tone drills into my head and there is nothing I can do about it. Living in this time is hell on someone as earth sensitive as I am. There is nothing I can do about it, it's in my chemical make-up somehow. Living in pain was bad enough, the normal earth noise was annoying..but this new sound...makes me want to rip my head off.
  My daughter had a very interesting dream awhile back. I'm going to paste it here for you as I posted it on UC.
Thunderbird's dream given to my daughter Danielle.

I am skipping through this to relevent parts.

  In the dream, my daughter died. She looked around her after she died and she was in a place that was like a refugee camp for souls. It was packed. So many other spirits there, she said it was quite crowded. She said I was there guiding her to find her "soul group". I took her to her soul group and they rejoiced at her arrival. She was awestruck by the beauty and happiness there. She could fly and do many other things. She began to look for her boyfriend. She spotted him but he kept walking away glancing over his shoulder and smiling. She kept following him trying to catch up. Another guide told her that she had to greet the Thunderbird. Her other guide kept shifting into different people. He said he could do this because we are many people at the same time. She caught up with her boyfriend and he had stopped in front of a gorgeous native man. He was surrounded by many women who were laughing and talking with him. He was laughing. He was Thunderbird. She felt anxious as she was going to speak with a God, but his laughter and easy going manner put her anxiety aside. I forgot exactly what she told me he said to her though. Something like "I have been with you always, Dragonfly."

Then she woke up. She woke up because of a clap of thunder and static electricity that smacked her awake.
  The way my daughter told it was far better. A refugee camp of spirits... like we all entered at once. It was beautiful. Her dream is part of what's allowing me to get through this. Nicely...when I received your e-mail ******, I felt a lifting of my spirit as well. I think much of my difficulty is I feel alone in all this. Nobody else feels and sees what I do. If I'm stupid enough to talk about it, people just think I'm nuts. So, I'm quite literally a hermit anymore. I've lost my spiritual balance it would seem. I have nobody I can talk to about this.
  I swore I'd never charge for anything..but as the earth got worse, so did my symptoms and I live on ssi. There are things I need... so my friend talked me into doing this newsletter and charging for it...although the past issues are free on the site. I have 6 subscribers. Nobody knows I exist. I need to get the message out not only for financial reasons..but so people will know what's going on. As I hone my abilities I may be able to warn people in certain areas with accuracy. I seem to be able to track this new sound periodically. In a short time, I should be able to give locales as to the scalar quakes like the ones that rocked Siberia and Chili the other day. So whenever you can.. please ask people to hit  even if they don't purchase it will place me higher in the search engines and may help people. If I have a major prediction that concerns the possible loss of life, I tell immediately, no charge. I e-mail everybody and post at UC and on the site.
  Sorry, am rambling haha. As for a date of recognizable US...I always account for quantum slide, misinterpreted calandars etc.. so all I can say is, the years between 2006 and 2014 are going to change the face of the planet. My friend and I have come up with some amazing synchronistic dates..I'll try to dig them up and get them to you. You are aware that our solar system is coming into alignment with the glactic core aren't you ? That is IMO why this is all happening. It's cyclic, but a much larger cycle than anyone has imagined. It's all in the elctromagnetic fields. It's effecting all the planets and even some of the moons in the solar system. Both hurricanes (of a gaseous sort) and volcanoes are erupting throughout the solar system. Not many people are aware of this. The pitfall for me is..I feel those too. I feel them because my sensitivity seems to be based in electromagnetics.
  Most of my predictions are real time. Hours before the events. These come through physical symptoms and signals I hear. The thing is..whether it's physical or dream or vision..I am consistantly right. I can only recall two dream/visions that have not yet occurred (other than far future dreams)...I have a hunch one of them will soon, within the next few months if not sooner. By my count...right now my track record is 98%. It fluxes until various predictions come true.
  Yes, the west coast of the US should start acting up soon. both quakes and 'canoes. The rest of the ring of fire is kind of like a champagne bottle being shaken. North America seems to be the cork in the bottle.  Hawaii as I predicted over a year ago, has been having increasingly more activity. This will continue and eventually the island will explode.
  Yes, the Seattle area is doomed. LOL I think however..that this quake will be triggered by man. The fault off the coast might end up producing a volcano similar to Indonesia. This will most likely happen within the next two years..but if that stupid sound I'm hearing keeps nailing it, could be in 2 weeks. Depends on what they target.
  The California area is doing a ping -pong type deal. Something could hit it anywhere. If the ( BIG) quake is should occur between Santa Maria/Bakersfield and/or The Geysers. If it's targeted, ????? Probably a major city.
  Utah is also going to have a good sized quake soon. ( I think of the four corners states..but I think I saw Utah..maybe it was just wishful thinking LOL )
  Peace to you, Krystal  "
  Added to this, I want to say there is more to Utah than meets the eye. I had a map vision. My map visions are usually pretty accurate. Upon looking at maps of the Price area, I had always assumed it was merely a conduit to Yellowstone. The vision..says the area is more. The vision says the area is a supervolcano. I have absolutely no science to back this up. Dave says it's quite possible. The area has a large shallow lake and active geysers around it. It's like Yellowstone's other nostril.  This particularly sucks since Utah is the dumping ground for more toxic waste than any other state. It could create a complete dead zone for thousands of years. I have no idea if it will go active and erupt. That I did not see.
  Would also like to mention the comet fragments of 73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann  which have been flying by us and will continue to do so for the next couple of weeks. Although the science community says nothing will hit us, people still seem to be concerned about it. There was, evidently, quite the meteor shower in Australia last night. I have not forseen a hit, however I have forseen a tsunami on the east coast. This was in the same dream that I predicted the Trade Towers fall. The dream could also be interpreted to mean large amounts of flooding..which is underway now..but not to the extent I saw in the dream. It was a tsunami in the dream but I must leave room for symbolism of simply a large water event. It is possible a comet fragment could be the cause of the tsunami/flooding event. I do not know, so it's anybody's guess if we get smacked or not. My dreams usually cover a 1 week to 10 year span and there was no time indicator in the dream other than "soon".  Krystal


Copyright 2006 Krystal Gale Potter